
Rules & Regulations:  

  • Students taking OC Transpo, please check on the OC Transpo website to plan the best route to and from school. 
  • WBC has indicated that they do not want student drop off and pickup in their main parking lot.
  • WBC has offered the Small Parking Lot to the East of their building (Arena Entrance), as a JMSS Kiss & Ride, and for Student parking (please note: we will share this space with Jockvale P.S) Jockvale has an 8:30 start time.
  • Both JMSS Parking Lots will be reserved for Staff Parking Only (Signage placed at Fable parking lot entrance)

Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA)

  • OSTA is responsible for all home-to-school transportation on behalf of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) and the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB).