HPA is an OCDSB system program which provides academic support to elite athletes who are striving to compete at the provincial, national, or international level in their respective sport. The HPA Program was created in recognition that these talented athletes can sometimes require unique academic programming, accommodation, and flexibility so they are able to train while still receiving a high quality education.
Description of the Program:
HPA Student Program Features & Resources:
- Individualized timetables - each student, in consultation with parents and the HPA Coordinator, has a timetable designed to best support their academic and athletic needs.
- Long-range plans that look at the student’s whole academic career while attending JMSS, with a focus on their desired post-secondary placements, athletic goals, and career aspirations.
- When necessary, flexible attendance as identified by training schedules and competitions.
- Access to certain credits in dedicated HPA Courses (see below), HPA Co-op opportunities, online courses, access to ILC courses if required.
- Web-based resources to support classroom learning (staff webpages/blogs/video streaming/Google Classroom)
- Flexibility in learning: Support, accommodation & modified time completion where applicable by regular classroom teachers when needed.
- Guidance Counsellor specifically assigned to all HPA students who will assist with the processes and requirements for the SAT, NCAA and US College applications.
- Advanced Placement (AP) opportunities in Grade 12 if appropriate.
Continued placement in the program is subject to the student remaining academically engaged and being a positive community member while at JMSS. It is subject to yearly review by the school HPA team, or earlier in the event of a change in High Performance status.
Change in Status:
Athletes in the HPA program must continue to participate in their sport at the required High Performance level in order to remain in the program. Students who do not continue at the required level in their sport are subject to removal from the program.
Potential Candidates:
For entry into the HPA Program beginning on or after February 1st, 2020, the requirements to be considered for admission to the HPA program at JMSS are as follows:
- The candidate must be competing at the provincial level (or higher) in their respective sport and train/compete a minimum of 14 hours per week. For sport-specific requirements please contact the HPA Coordinator, Will Toms, at william.toms@ocdsb.ca.
- If the candidate meets the required athletic level for the program they must submit a completed Application Portfolio with References
- If the Application is accepted there will be a registration Intake with student's Vice-Principal, followed by an interview/intake with the HPA Coordinator.
- The candidate must be both academically engaged and a positive community member at their school. The candidate’s previous school may be contacted by JMSS determine their suitability for this requirement.
Dedicated HPA Courses:
Students in the HPA Program may have the option to take some of their credits in dedicated HPA classes. In this environment program delivery can be more flexible and courses are structured to accommodate the diverse and multifold needs of the students. In this environment students can, as needed, work more independently with the support of a mentoring teacher. Currently the program offers these classes for Grade 10-12 students in subjects including: English, Math, Science and Social Science.
HPA Coordinator:
The HPA Coordinator acts as a community liaison, program developer and counsellor. The Coordinator will meet with teachers and parents to facilitate alignment and support of student-athletes. The Coordinator will meet with parents and students upon entry to the program to explain the different supports and features of the program and develop a fluid four year plan which supports both the students’ academic and athletic endeavors.
Any questions about the HPA process should be directed to our HPA Coordinator,
Will Toms, at william.toms@ocdsb.ca