Terry Fox Run

Terry Fox Run
Posted on 09/20/2024
Terry Fox

What is the Terry Fox Run?

In honor of Terry Fox’s legacy, the Terry Fox Run is an annual event dedicated to raising funds for cancer research,  Terry Fox  was a young humanitarian that lost his leg, and then his life, to cancer.  Terry, after his leg amputation, attempted to raise awareness and funds for cancer research by running across Canada.  He is considered as one of the most influential Canadians. This fall, our grade 12 athletic leadership class at John McCrae Secondary School (JMSS), led by teacher Brandon Bourcier, is organizing the JMSS Terry Fox run.

When is the Terry Fox Run Happening?

The Terry Fox Walk will take place on Thursday, October 3rd in the afternoon. Participating students will complete a 5.5km walk around the school, primarily on walking paths. Students will return to the school before regular dismissal time. Use this link to see the route.

How Can Students Participate?

  • Permission Forms: On Monday, September 16th, permission forms will be distributed to all students. These forms must be completed and submitted to the athletic leadership class at their Terry Fox booth during lunch each day until the run.

  • Participation Options: Students can choose to:

    • Participate in the walk.

    • Stay behind for supervised study hall if they do not wish to join the walk.

    • (removed be picked up by parents or signed out…that is always option.

How Are Donations Made?

  • Online Fundraising: Please use this link to make an online donation, which goes directly to the Terry Fox Foundation. The donation link is also available around the school and in Google Classrooms.

  • Cash Donations: Cash donations can be made daily at lunch in the 2nd floor foyer.

  • Donation Deadline: The cut-off date for donations is Thursday, October 3rd.

Incentives and Goals:

  • Fundraising Goal: Our school goal is $4500. Last year, we exceeded our goal by almost $500, reaching 3800$.

  • Special Incentive: Should we reach our fundraising goal, Mr. Bourcier (and any other participating teachers) will shave their heads as a show of support for cancer research.

We encourage all students to wear red and white on the day of the walk to honor Terry Fox. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Bourcier at [email protected].

Thank you for supporting this important cause and helping us build a positive school community!

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